Flight Expo is looking for volunteers to help with several of its programs. To volunteer, email flightexpoinc@aol.com or call 763.568.3360. Thank you!
Opportunities for youth to build real airplanes and start pursuing a career in avation.
Flight Expo is looking for 2 teachers for our Build a Plane program. The program begins on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. It runs every Tuesday night from 5:30-8 pm and every other Saturday from 9 am-noon for 3 sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring).
Flight Expo needs a couple of volunteers to complete administrative work such as filing and data entry. Hours and times are flexible. Email or call if you are available to help.
Promoting Aviaiton Through Education & Preservation
E-Mail: SharonS@flightexpo.org
Phone: 763-568-3360.
Address: P.O. Box 155, Zimmerman, MN 55398
Flight Expo, Inc is a 501c3 organization. 41-1869452