Flight Expo is implementing a new program by utilizing a first-of-its-kind Computer Program designed for 11th and 12th Graders interested in pursuing careers as Aviation Mechanics.
The lessons are designed to teach students the necessary information to complete the General Section of their FAA Mechanic Certification. (Certification involves 3 parts: General, Powerplant, and Airframe.) Completing the first section before technical college could shorten their time in post-secondary school.
Flight Expo is looking for eight students to be a part of this new program. The cost of the program is $200.
Scholarships available for the first eight students.
We may already have students from your school district in one of our other programs interested in pursuing an aviation career.
To learn more, please contact us to schedule an in-person meeting. 763-568-3360 or flightexpoinc@aol.com
E-Mail: SharonS@flightexpo.org
Phone: 763-568-3360.
Address: P.O. Box 155, Zimmerman, MN 55398
Flight Expo, Inc is a 501c3 organization. 41-1869452